Opinion: Papua New Guinea economy to remain weak but Lae business hopeful of an upturn

The Papua New Guinea economy is not likely to improve greatly in the first half of the year, says Alan McLay, President of the Lae Chamber of Commerce. But he believes companies in Lae – PNG's manufacturing and logistics hub – remain hopeful of an upturn and he expects some positive developments with power provision.
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Opinion: Business development in Papua New Guinea hampered by ‘man-made constraints’ says Charles Yala

Man-made constraints to business are the real obstacles to business development, according to Dr Charles Yala, the Director of the National Research Institute. In an address to the Australia-PNG Alumni Conference, Dr Yala said the country’s leaders need to ‘think outside the box’ and harness ‘our natural beauty and landscape’.
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Opinion: What you need to know about Papua New Guinea’s new Cybercrime Act

The Papua New Guinea Government has passed the Cybercrime Bill, which applies to the use of electronic systems and devices, including: spam, hacking, forgery and computer fraud. Zinnia Dawidi, a lawyer specializing in IT & Telecommunications Law, outlines the implications for businesses and individuals.
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