Seven questions for Dulciana Somare-Brash, Public Policy and Political Advisor in Papua New Guinea

Dulciana Somare-Brash is a Political Advisor to the PNG Ministry of National Planning and Monitoring and the United Labor Party. If her maiden name sounds familiar, that is because she is the daughter of Papua New Guinea’s founding father, Michael Somare, and Lady Veronica Somare. 
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Diversify and conquer: what the future holds for Credit Corp in Papua New Guinea

Peter Aitsi, Group Chief Executive Officer of Credit Corporation PNG, says the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on operations. He tells Business Advantage PNG that the company is moving to a more agile digital platform and diversifying its product range.
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2020 volumes only slightly down, says Swire Shipping

Despite initial concerns about the impact of COVID-19, Swire Shipping's data shows only a marginal reduction in freight volumes. Alistair Skingley, the company's Country Manager for Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands, tells Business Advantage PNG that the company is upgrading its offerings in the expectation of solid growth in 2021.
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Papua New Guinea’s 2021 National Budget: the most ‘challenging in our lifetime’

The current economic conditions are the most ‘challenging in our lifetime', according to Justin Smirk, Senior Economist at Westpac. He told a Business Advantage PNG briefing that the success of the 2021 National Budget depended on getting Papua New Guinea's non-resources economy firing.
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‘Focus on what you can control’: showing leadership during Papua New Guinea’s pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic in Papua New Guinea has presented a unique set of challenges to business leaders and owners of all kinds. The heads of three of the country's top companies have discussed their leadership approaches during a special Business Advantage PNG online business briefing. 
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