‘Roller coaster ride’ is forcing gas players to aggressively pursue efficiencies says President of PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum, Gerea Aopi

Large scale gas projects suit multi-operators, says Gerea Aopi, President of the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum. He tells Business Advantage PNG that this allows operators in Papua New Guinea to spread the fixed costs, which is one way that the industry is looking for productivity improvements.
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Interview: Brett Goschen, Chief Executive Officer, Digicel Papua New Guinea

Boosting data speeds and widening broadband coverage are the aims of Digicel's incoming Chief Executive Officer, Brett Goschen. He told Business Advantage PNG he will be drawing on his experiences in Africa to help transform the telecommunications landscape in Papua New Guinea.
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Total aiming to start Papua LNG production in 2022/23, says Blanchard

Philippe Blanchard, Managing Director of Total E&P PNG – operator of the Papua LNG project – tells Business Advantage PNG that production for the project is expected to begin in 2022/2023. He says Total is using local labour and companies as much as possible.
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Credit & Data Bureau improving financial accountability in Papua New Guinea, says MD Bruce Mackinlay

The World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business singled out a new private credit bureau as having ‘improved the credit information system in Papua New Guinea.’ Bruce Mackinlay, Managing Director of the Credit & Data Bureau, tells Business Advantage PNG that the organisation is improving the country's transparency and accountability.
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High Commissioner Winnie Kiap highlights opportunities in Britain for Papua New Guinea coffee and cocoa producers

Papua New Guinea’s High Commissioner to the UK, Winnie Kiap, tells Business Advantage PNG that the coffee craze in the UK offers huge potential for PNG growers and producers, especially after two successful trade delegations have boosted awareness.
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