Industry sectors

Date announced for Papua LNG gas agreement in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has announced a date for the signing of the gas agreement for the US$13 billion Papua LNG project. Opening the PNG Petroleum and Energy Summit in Port Moresby yesterday, he also outlined some of the key elements the agreement will contain.
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Papua LNG expected to drive development of Special Economic Zone in Gulf Province

A fifteen-year plan to develop the Ihu Special Economic Zone is expected to be approved this month. Driving its development will be the infrastructure requirements for Papua New Guinea’s second liquefied natural gas project—Papua LNG.
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Papua New Guinea’s new finance sector strategy a response to ‘staggering’ growth

Massive growth in participation has forced the Papau New Guinea Government to come up with new strategies for the finance sector and financial inclusion. Business Advantage PNG's David James reviews the strategies and finds a greatly enhanced role for the central bank.
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