Industry sectors

Conditions tough in Papua New Guinea’s construction industry but hopes are rising

Papua New Guinea's construction industry continues to face challenges, says Frank McQuoid, Chairman of manufacturer Steel Industries. But others say it is on the edge of a boom that will extend beyond the resource sector. David James examines both sides of the story.
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Subsidy changes transforming the fish processing industry in Papua New Guinea

As part of its effort to diversify the economy, the Government has shifted to subsidising fish processing in Papua New Guinea, rather than subsidising the catching of fish. It is one of the changes occurring in the industry. Three manufacturers talk about the changes and challenges PNG's fish processing industry is facing.
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Defensive driving academy looks to save lives and improve transport efficiency in Papua New Guinea

Road safety is at the forefront of business minds in Papua New Guinea. Poor roads mean delays in the delivery of goods, damaged vehicles and fatal accidents. But Frank Lapi, Director and Master Trainer at Diamond Defensive Driving Academy, may have found a solution that suits businesses of every size.
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Digital ID, digital money: how the mobile phone can reach the unbanked in Papua New Guinea

Three quarters of Papua New Guinea’s population is excluded from the financial sector, but there are differing thoughts about how to include them. David James looks at some of the options being proposed for PNG and notes the mobile phone is the key to all of them.
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Crime prevention in Papua New Guinea set to go high-tech

Security firms are becoming more sophisticated in how they deter, monitor and apprehend individuals committing crimes, according to Laine Kidner, Chief Executive of consultancy Connected South Pacific. He also tells Business Advantage PNG that it's important for businesses to understand why crime occurs in Papua New Guinea.
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