Industry sectors

A tale of two cities: why successful investment in Lae is a boost for Port Moresby

Lae, Papua New Guinea's second-largest city, is again emerging as a key location for investment. Far from drawing investors away from capital Port Moresby, a buoyant Lae could actually be good for both cities, say representatives from the two cities' business chambers.
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IFC’s ambitious plan to improve agribusiness in the Markham and Ramu valleys

The International Finance Corporation is undertaking a scoping study of the Markham and Ramu valleys to assess agricultural opportunities in Papua New Guinea. The results will help to develop a win-win business model for agri-investors and customary landowners.
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Discover Niunet, Papua New Guinea’s exciting education startup

Niunet is a startup company aiming to disrupt the education sector of Papua New Guinea. In an exclusive interview with Business Advantage PNG, Chief Technical Officer David Valentine, talks about his plans after winning in Seedstars, the startup competition for emerging markets.
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