Industry sectors

Transparency report shines light on Papua New Guinea’s extractive sector

Although the extractive sector continues to be responsible for the bulk of Papua New Guinea’s exports, the latest Papua New Guinea Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative report has found that revenues to government remain comparatively small. Here’s what you need to know.
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How Papua New Guinea’s central bank plans to sell government debt

The Bank of Papua New Guinea is looking to sell government debt to international and local investors. Its Governor, Loi Bakani, outlines the challenges to Business Advantage PNG and their connection to PNG’s ongoing foreign exchange shortages.
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Rogue traders challenge CPL Group’s growth in Papua New Guinea

Rising, quite literally, from the ashes of a devastating fire in 2017, retailer CPL Group is back in the black. However, CEO Mahesh Patel tells Business Advantage PNG that rogue retailers and slow government spending have presented challenges to the retailer’s phoenix story.
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