Industry sectors

Joint consultations on the future of Bougainville trigger speculation on the future of Panguna mine

A joint communique issued earlier this month by Papua New Guinea's Prime Minister James Marape and new Bougainville President Ishmael Toroama has committed them to moderated 'joint consultations' over the autonomous region's desired independence. It has again brought focus on the future of the island's massive Panguna copper and gold mine.
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Diversify and conquer: what the future holds for Credit Corp in Papua New Guinea

Peter Aitsi, Group Chief Executive Officer of Credit Corporation PNG, says the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on operations. He tells Business Advantage PNG that the company is moving to a more agile digital platform and diversifying its product range.
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More than taxis: ODESH aims to create a new market for on-demand services in Papua New Guinea

Finding a safe and reliable taxi service in Port Moresby can be an issue, but entrepreneur Isaac Jipsy has developed ODESH, an online solution that is changing the way taxi services operate in Papua New Guinea's capital.
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