
Dealing with debt, deficit and transparency: experts identify key 2015 Budget issues

The O’Neill government is preparing to deliver its 2015 budget, against a backdrop of rising government debt and rising expenditure. Business Advantage PNG asks what business needs and what we might expect.
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Prepare for a ‘tsunami’ of development projects: Independent Public Business Corporation chair

The Chairman of Papua New Guinea's Independent Public Business Corporation (IPBC), Paul Nerau, has flagged a 'tsunami' of government-backed development projects worth billions of kina, including the relocation of Port Moresby's port and gas-generated electricity.
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Five questions for … John Kaio, Interim Managing Director, PNG Infrastructure Development Authority

As part of the 2012 Alotau Accord, the O’Neill Government agreed to establish an Infrastructure Development Authority to ‘take ownership’ of Cabinet decisions and oversee major infrastructure projects in Papua New Guinea. Business Advantage PNG spoke recently to the authority's interim Managing Director, John Kaio.
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Papua New Guinea road investment to total K7 billion over the next five years, but maintenance ‘the challenge’

Scheduled road projects in Papua New Guinea will cost around K7 billion over the next five years, according to David Wereh, Secretary of the Department of Works and Implementation, with almost K2.6 billion of works currently under way. But PNG's poorly-maintained existing roads represent a 'time bomb' for the country.
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Air Niugini and PNG Ports for partial sale: Papua New Guinea zeros in on its state-owned enterprises

First Air Niugini, then PNG Power ... then PNG Ports and the National Airports Corporation? The Papua New Guinea government is embarking on a grand plan to reinvigorate state-owned enterprises. But privatisation is not the only option to ensure SOEs function as viable entities.
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Raft of privatisations to come says Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill

The partial privatisation of Air Niugini will be the first in a series of privatisations. Opening the 2014 Papua New Guinea Advantage Investment and Infrastructure Summit in Port Moresby this week, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said removing government ownership will reduce waste, inefficiencies and corruption.
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National Airports Corporation plans big expansion at Port Moresby airport

Port Moresby International airport is undergoing an expansion, ahead of an influx of passengers for the 2015 South Pacific Games, the 2018 APEC summit and projected increases in traffic as the economy grows. The Acting Managing Director of the National Airports Corporation, Joseph Tupiri, outlines the plans to Business Advantage PNG.
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Papua New Guinea and Pacific to benefit from Australia’s foreign aid budget cuts

Despite cuts to foreign aid spending in this year’s Australian Federal budget, released this week, Papua New Guinea will gain an extra A$59 million (K155 million) and regional programmes also stand out as the beneficiaries from this year’s budget, according to analysts.
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