Young Bitcoin entrepreneur brings Silicon Valley to Papua New Guinea

A young Papua New Guinean entrepreneur is bringing Silicon Valley to PNG to help boost financial inclusion in the country. Day One Investments' Shane Ninai tells Business Advantage PNG of his plans to encourage the use of the virtual currency, Bitcoin.
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New exchange may see internet costs in Papua New Guinea fall, says analyst

While a consultancy's report has shown that internet costs in Papua New Guinea are amongst the highest in the world, prices are falling. Encouragingly, an agreement announced this week could see internet costs fall even further.
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Opinion: What you need to know about Papua New Guinea’s new Cybercrime Act

The Papua New Guinea Government has passed the Cybercrime Bill, which applies to the use of electronic systems and devices, including: spam, hacking, forgery and computer fraud. Zinnia Dawidi, a lawyer specializing in IT & Telecommunications Law, outlines the implications for businesses and individuals.
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Papua New Guinea’s broadband network ‘on track’, but there will be challenges, says analyst

The rollout of PNG's National Transmission Network is on track for completion later this year. It will transform the nation's digital highway, but that does not mean there will not be challenges, telecommunications analyst Henry Lancaster tells Business Advantage PNG.
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