Building and construction

Back to the future: Hornibrook Construction eyes a return to property development

Benefitting from increased business activity in Papua New Guinea’s mining sector, Lae-based construction company Hornibrook NGI is looking to further diversify into property development. Business Advantage PNG speaks to Managing Director Matthew Lewis to learn more.
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Supply chain causing major stress for Papua New Guinea’s businesses

Global supply chain issues are having a major impact on many businesses in Papua New Guinea. Business leaders tell Business Advantage PNG that delivery delays and higher costs are causing some projects to be slowed or even postponed in key sectors. There are signs, however, that the global situation is improving.
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Australian defence spending in Papua New Guinea to provide business opportunities

The imminent upgrade of defence facilities on Papua New Guinea's Manus Island should provide significant opportunities for local business and labour, according to Australia's Department of Defence. But the selection requirements are likely to be demanding.
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