
Innovative Agro Industry planning four new agricultural projects in 2019

After the successful launch of its first dairy farm and the 9 Mile Highlands Produce Depot last year, Innovative Agro Industry has four major expansion projects underway for 2019. Business Development Manager, Gallit Tamir, tells Business Advantage PNG, they include a second dairy farm, a frozen French fries processing plant, and large-scale coffee, cocoa, grain, stock feed processing and poultry production projects.
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‘Fundamental change’ needed with Papua New Guinea state-owned enterprises

Kumul Consolidated Holdings, the holding company for Papua New Guinea’s state-owned enterprises (SOEs), has released its Year in Review. It says that 2018 has been ‘particularly difficult and challenging’ for the country's SOEs and that a fundamental change is necessary if the enterprises are to expand.
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Coffee Industry Corporation proposes new 10-year plan to arrest industry decline

Papua New Guinea's Coffee Industry Corporation is working on a new 10-year strategy. Steven Tumae, General Manager of Industry and Operations at the CIC tells Business Advantage PNG that the new strategy is necessary to address problems in what is a deteriorating industry sector.
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How New Britain Palm Oil turns sustainability into profitability

New Britain Palm Oil has turned its philosophy of sustainable production into profits, according to Ian Orrell, Group Head of Sustainability. Speaking at the Business Advantage PNG Investment Conference in Brisbane, he warned of the need to improve the palm oil industry's global reputation.
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Papua New Guinea PM Peter O’Neill says deals on resources projects will be fair to all stakeholders

In an interview with Business Advantage PNG's Andrew Wilkins, the Prime Minister Peter O'Neill says he is looking for deals in LNG and mining projects that will benefit all parties. In the first of a two part series, O'Neill says his government is investing to diversify the economy.
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LNG prices have surged but oil prices move sideways: a monthly review of Papua New Guinea’s commodity and financial markets

LNG prices have jumped sharply and the cocoa price has been volatile. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly review of Papua New Guinea commodity and financial markets.
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Moving from aid to trade: successful mentoring and investment projects in Vanuatu and Samoa expanding into Papua New Guinea

After the successful launches of sustainable small businesses in Vanuatu and Samoa, a donor-funded private sector initiative is preparing to expand into Papua New Guinea.  Anna Moegerlein from Melbourne’s The Difference Incubator explains the initiative to Business Advantage PNG.
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