
Prime Minister to open Papua New Guinea’s prestigious international investment conference

Papua New Guinea’s Prime Minister, the Hon. James Marape MP, will make the opening address at the 2021 Business Advantage Papua New Guinea Investment Conference on the morning of Tuesday 7 September.
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What is Fortescue Metals Group doing in Papua New Guinea?

Earlier this month, Papua New Guinea's government announced a 'deed of agreement' with Australian iron ore giant, Fortescue Metals Group, to develop renewable energy projects in PNG. Business Advantage PNG learns more about its plans from Julie Shuttleworth, CEO of subsidiary Fortescue Future Industries.
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2021 PNG 100 CEO Survey: a snapshot of the effects of COVID-19 in Papua New Guinea [analysis]

The annual Business Advantage/Westpac PNG 100 CEO Survey has captured the depth of the COVID-19 crisis and the sense of uncertainty that exists among businesses in Papua New Guinea. Westpac’s Senior Economist Justin Smirk takes a closer look.
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