
Better times ahead on foreign exchange, says Bank of Papua New Guinea Acting Governor

September was another tough month for availability of foreign exchange in Papua New Guinea, but central bank Acting Governor Elizabeth Genia has moved to reassure business that the bank is committed to supporting the kina as it adjusts to a lower level against the US dollar. She's also flagging better times ahead on forex.
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Private sector investment targeted to redevelop Papua New Guinea state assets

Some key Papua New Guinea state assets, including the site of Port Moresby's old port, are being readied for redevelopment, with private sector investment being sought. The move is being guided by a new investment strategy from state holding company, Kumul Consolidated Holdings.
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Papua New Guinea’s Chief Trade Officer outlines strategy to build export markets

Trade commissioners in overseas posts and a new online portal for exporters are among the measures being undertaken to try to increase Papua New Guinea’s international trade.
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CEO Survey reveals the outlook for Papua New Guinea business in 2023

The Business Advantage PNG/Westpac PNG 100 CEO Survey has asked the CEOs of Papua New Guinea's largest companies for their profit, investment and recruitment expectations for 2023. It also asked them to name the top impediments facing their businesses. Here are the results.
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Economic update 2023: Papua New Guinea’s year of gearing up

With the worst of the COVID pandemic behind it, Papua New Guinea is preparing itself for a decade of sustained economic growth. While the investments that will drive this growth are still being finalised, business leaders tell Business Advantage PNG the country is already starting to get ready.
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Five questions for Jon Philp, Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea

One of Papua New Guinea's major trading partners, Australia has continued to increase its support for the country's economic development, especially in infrastructure. Business Advantage PNG asks Jon Philp, Australia's High Commissioner to PNG, about the intent of Australia's aid program in PNG and its priorities.
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