
The key factor Papua New Guinea’s banks and super funds look for before they will invest in your business

To get investment into Papua New Guinea businesses, sound governance is essential. That was the view expressed by super fund managers, bankers and advisers at Business Advantage's Investment conference in Brisbane.
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Sovereign bond issue will ‘test’ Papua New Guinea’s market access, says Standard & Poor’s

The Papua New Guinea government has begun spruiking its sovereign bond issue with a series of meetings with investors in Singapore, Hong Kong, London and the US, led by Treasurer Charles Abel. However, while Standard and Poor’s has given the issue a ‘B’ stable rating, others say the government may have to offer a premium to attract investors.
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LNG prices have surged but oil prices move sideways: a monthly review of Papua New Guinea’s commodity and financial markets

LNG prices have jumped sharply and the cocoa price has been volatile. Business Advantage PNG’s monthly review of Papua New Guinea commodity and financial markets.
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Super fund executives outline their investment strategies

How do Papua New Guinea’s two largest super funds, Nambawan Super and NASFUND, make investment decisions on behalf of their members? Two senior executives provide their investment guidelines, which have led both funds to perform well in difficult economic conditions.
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MYEFO report says Government wants to bring forward sovereign bond raising to solve forex shortages

The Government’s Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) statement has indicated that it is in the ‘advanced stages’ of negotiating the country’s first sovereign bond later this year. The strategy is being adopted to solve the nation’s foreign exchange shortages, but it does carry risks.
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Companies investing locally this year but will switch to starting up new operations next year, according to round table

Companies are reducing the size of the businesses, now using excess capital to acquire domestically but may be switching to starting up operations next year. They were some of the observations in a round table discussion on Papua New Guinea’s investment environment at the Business Advantage Invest Forum in Brisbane.
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Public holidays declared in Port Moresby due to APEC summit, says CEO

The two days before the APEC Leaders meeting have been declared national holidays in the National Capital District in Port Moresby, according to Chris Hawkins, the Chief Executive Officer of APEC Papua New Guinea. He told an APEC summit briefing that Papua New Guinea has advantages when it comes to hosting the big event.
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Moving from aid to trade: successful mentoring and investment projects in Vanuatu and Samoa expanding into Papua New Guinea

After the successful launches of sustainable small businesses in Vanuatu and Samoa, a donor-funded private sector initiative is preparing to expand into Papua New Guinea.  Anna Moegerlein from Melbourne’s The Difference Incubator explains the initiative to Business Advantage PNG.
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