
Headed for recession: bank and rating agencies’ bleak forecast for Papua New Guinea in 2020

Economists are forecasting a recession in PNG in 2020 as the country struggles to deal with the global crisis caused by the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. The ratings agency Standard & Poor’s has also downgraded the country’s debt.
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‘On their knees’: Papua New Guinea SMEs closing daily under lockdown

The presidents of Papua New Guinea's two largest business chambers, in Port Moresby and Lae, outline the difficulty for business of life under lockdown, but also point to how PNG's economy can bounce back from the current crisis.
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Stimulate or stagnate: steering Papua New Guinea’s economy through the COVID-19 crisis

The global economic meltdown that has been triggered by the COVID-19 virus outbreak has hit Papua New Guinea hard. What are the implications for the country’s business and financial sectors?
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How Papua New Guinea’s informal and local economy can get through the COVID-19 crisis

The economic fallout from the coronavirus (COVID-19) is creating havoc across world markets and economies. According to the ratings agency Fitch, Papua New Guinea’s formal economy will be affected, but the story could be different for its informal and local economy.
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