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People moves: National Development Bank, Pacific Islands Forum, Nambawan Super, Oro Province, East New Britain Port Services

The National Development Bank announces a new Acting Managing Director, Pacific Islands Forum welcomes a new Secretary General, Nambawan Super appoints an executive for top investment job, Oro Province gets an Administrator and the East New Britain Port Services appoints a General Manager.
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People moves: ExxonMobil, NDB, NBPOL, Twinza, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Pacific Community, Capital Insurance Group, Papua New Guinea Cocoa Board, Kumul Telikom Holdings

ExxonMobil announces executive changes, the National Development Bank names a new Chief Financial Officer, New Britain Palm Oil appoints new boss, Lae gets a new Consul-General, Pacific Community welcomes a Deputy Director-General Operations and Integration, Capital Insurance Group names Chief Operating Officer, new head for Papua New Guinea Cocoa Board and announcement at Kumul Telikom Holdings.
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