
Barrick Gold and Papua New Guinea Government strike new deal over Porgera

The Porgera gold mine in Enga Prince looks set to reopen later this year after the Papua New Guinea Government and mine operator Barrick Gold reached a 'binding framework agreement' to share future benefits from the mine and boost local ownership. 
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Securities Commission uncertainty a bottleneck to Papua New Guinea’s growth, says PNGX Chairman

Papua New Guinea took a step closer to resolving a significant governance issue related to its stock exchange, PNGX, following a National Court ruling late last month. However, uncertainty continues to hold back PNG's capital markets, reports David James.
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Oil Search’s MD talks about the next wave of gas projects in Papua New Guinea

Oil Search is a key partner in the next wave of gas projects in Papua New Guinea but has faced a tough year. Business Advantage PNG speaks with Managing Director Dr Keiran Wulff on the company’s future in PNG and the rich potential of its gas reserves.
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In brief: Chamber of Mines and Petroleum pledges to help Papua New Guinea with COVID-19 efforts and other business stories

The PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum pledges to join help with COVID-19 efforts, news on the Simberi gold mine revised MOA and a new report highlights strategies to help the coffee industry. Your business news in brief.
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