In brief: K92 gets lease extension for Kainantu mine and other business stories

Canadian company K92 Mining gets lease extension, PNG DataCo announces cables damaged after the September earthquake have been repaired and Kina Bank changes plans because of the raise in corporate tax. Your business news, curated and summarised.
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In brief: Morobe government to revisit Hidden Valley agreement and other stories

The Morobe government to revisit Hidden Valley agreement, PNG DataCo still repairing the cables broken in the September earthquake and the Investment Promotion Authority to get a new online registry before the year ends. Business news in summary.
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Foreign exchange shortages still biting business in Papua New Guinea

The Bank of Papua New Guinea expects a 'windfall' from higher international commodity prices to alleviate some of the country's foreign exchange shortages. However, anecdotal evidence suggests the forex situation is actually getting worse.
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