‘There could not be a better time’ for Papua New Guinea’s new foreign investment laws

Now is the time to focus on restarting foreign investment in Papua New Guinea, says Clarence Hoot, Managing Director of the country’s Investment Promotion Authority. He tells Business Advantage PNG the IPA’s priorities for the year ahead, which include getting new foreign investment laws through Parliament.
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In brief: Ok Tedi Mining suspends flights to Australia and other business stories

Ok Tedi Mining suspends flight to Australia after three miners tested positive to COVID-19, Papua New Guinea continues to battle surge in COVID cases and National Fisheries Authority signs agreement for Daru fishery.
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Papua New Guinea facing a ’triple crisis’, says World Bank economist

Papua New Guinea has been dealing with a ’triple crisis’, according to Ilyas Sarsenov, Country Economist for the World Bank in PNG. Speaking at a Business Advantage PNG online briefing, he said that the economy has fallen well below previous growth forecasts.
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