The week's business news in summary. In Brief is sourced from a variety of Papua New Guinea and international media outlets as a service to our readers. Business Advantage PNG makes no claim for the veracity of third party sources.

In brief: Simberi mine suspends operations temporarily and other business stories

St Barbara has suspended operations of its Simberi project until it is safe to restart, Air Niugini relaxes COVID-19 restrictions for national flights, and global shortage of storage containers might impact Papua New Guinea's trade. The business news in brief.
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In brief: Papua New Guinea’s BSP approved for ASX listing and other business stories

BSP Financial Group Limited receives approval to list on the ASX; a new State Negotiating team to be reappointed to the P'nyang gas project, and Joint post-referendum talks between government and Bougainville fruitful. The business news in brief.
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In brief: Bougainville and Papua New Guinea government in post-referendum talks and other business stories

Papua New Guinea's National Government and Bougainville continue post-referendum talks, Bank South Pacific signs MoU with the Department of Finance for an online payment solution and Newcrest pledges zero carbon emissions by 2050. The business news in brief.
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In brief: power outages in Lae explained and other business stories

Power outages in Papua New Guinea's second largest city linked to K60 million debt, government looking into outstanding debts and new partnership between the Morobe Provincial Government and the National Airport Corporation. The business news in brief.
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In brief: NCSL’s plans to become ‘best electronic bank’ in Papua New Guinea and other business stories

NCSL talks about its plans to become an ebank, Papua New Guinea's Treasurer, Ian Ling-Stuckey reveals potential second economic stimulus package for MSMEs and changes in taxation collection in Bougainville. The business news in brief.
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