The week's business news in summary. In Brief is sourced from a variety of Papua New Guinea and international media outlets as a service to our readers. Business Advantage PNG makes no claim for the veracity of third party sources.

Around the world: sorcery killings/ANZ CEO/Westpac in Asia/BHP

Sorcery killing The killing of a young woman accused of witchcraft has brought PNG to the attention of the international media for the wrong reasons in the past week, with the United Nations and Amnesty International speaking out on the issue. Writing in The Australian (9 Feb) Rowan Callick compared the case to the widely-publicised […]
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Around the world: PNG politics/A-G speaks/currency wars/Davos

Honeymoon over for PNG Government? According to the Lowy Institute’s Informer blog the honeymoon period is now over for the O’Neill Government and ‘it’s business as usual in PNG politics.’ Interview with new Attorney-General Papua New Guinea’s new attorney-general, Kerenga Kua, tells Radio Australia he wants to ensure transparency in the fight against corruption in […]
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Around the world: China rebounds/Jakarta floods

China growth rebounds China’s growth rate rebounded in the final quarter of 2012 (to 7.9%) offsetting fears of a hard landing for the Chinese economy and providing a boost to the global resources sector. Jakarta floods Seasonal rain has brought Jakarta to a standstill and even led to calls for the capital to be relocated from the flood-prone […]
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Around the world: PM’s Australian visit/mining conference/cruise/ASEAN

PM’s Australian visit PNG’s Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s visit to Australia earlier this month, which included speeches to the National Press Club and Lowy Institute, received good coverage in the Australian press. He was also interviewed on Radio Australia’s Pacific Beat. Also widely covered was Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr’s call for a stronger regional role for PNG. PNG Mining Conference […]
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Around the World: royal visit/Ross Garnaut/aviation

Royal visit The recent visit to PNG by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall generated plenty of interest in the UK media. The Telegraph previewed the visit with one of the better travel articles we’ve seen on PNG and followed up with an excellent online photo gallery. PNG was also featured in Lonely Planet Founder Tony […]
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