The week's business news in summary. In Brief is sourced from a variety of Papua New Guinea and international media outlets as a service to our readers. Business Advantage PNG makes no claim for the veracity of third party sources.

In brief: Boost for roads and agriculture, tax review paper released, rubber production halts

World Bank loan for roads and agriculture, draft tax review released and rubber farming halts in Western Province. Our summary of the week's business stories.
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In brief: New air traffic management system, corruption case ‘victory’ and boost for remote areas communications.

A new national air traffic management system, Koim declares victory after jailing of MP on corruption charges and Tekikom and Digicel boost remote services. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: Loan for Oil Search shares already signed and other stories

Officials reveal loan share deal signed two weeks ago, Abbott/O'Neill sign a new trade treaty and Bank PNG board happy with economy. Your weekly digest of the latest business and economic news.
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In brief: O’Neill defends loan, call to boost police/military, Abbott in PNG

O'Neill defends loan to buy into Oil Search, economy vulnerable unless security boosted, Manus Detention Centre focus of Abbott/O'Neill talks. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: PM takes over Treasurer’s role, first LNG shipments ahead of schedule and Ok Tedi Mining profits plunge

O'Neill sacks two more Cabinet ministers, Exxon expects LNG exports to start early and Ok Tedi Mining profits plunge 80%. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: moves to reserve small business for locals, Ok Tedi orders stayed and BSP profits up

Moves to reserve small businesses for locals, Court rescinds orders preventing Ok Tedi from dumping waste and BSP records 11% profit increase. Your digest of the week's business news.
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