The week's business news in summary. In Brief is sourced from a variety of Papua New Guinea and international media outlets as a service to our readers. Business Advantage PNG makes no claim for the veracity of third party sources.

In brief: Petroleum Minister says Bougainville President should ‘carefully consider’ offer of free equity in BCL, and other business stories

John Momis told to 'carefully consider' equity offer from Rio Tinto, ExxonMobil declines to confirm or deny InterOil bid, and Supreme Court orders parliamentary vote on no confidence motion. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: PanAust applies for Frieda River licence, new US-Pacific fishing deal and claims Papua New Guinea economy sound

PanAust applies for Frieda River mining licence, new deal governing American access to the region's tuna fishing and Chief Secretary to Government says Papua New Guinea's economic fundamentals sound. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: Shortage of foreign exchange hindering investment, concerns about Customs procedures and Crowne Plaza on the market

Shortage of foreign exchange hindering investment, concerns about Customs procedures and the Crowne Plaza Port Moresby hotel up for sale. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: Finance Minister Marape says economy ‘doing well’ and other business stories

Finance minister Marape says PNG economy 'doing well', European Investment Bank invests in PNG for first time in 21 years and Memorandum of Agreements to be presented for seven copper and gold mines. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: Bank of PNG pursuing foreign exchange options and other business stories

Bank of Papua New Guinea negotiating with 'partners' about foreign exchange, Oil Search to address competition issues and Travel Air to resume operations. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: PM assures students 2016 Papua New Guinea Budget will be implemented, and other business news

O'Neill assures students 2016 Budget will be implemented, Singapore's Jaya Holdings buys Moni Plus for K518million and Bougainville aims for mid-2019 independence vote. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: Sir Mekere Morauta offers 3-step solution to K2 billion PNGSDP dispute, and other business stories

Sir Mekere Morauta calls for 'genuine government effort' to resolve K2 billion dispute, IFC approves credit facility and Manus business leaders want to be treated as a 'special case', if detention camps close. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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