The week's business news in summary. In Brief is sourced from a variety of Papua New Guinea and international media outlets as a service to our readers. Business Advantage PNG makes no claim for the veracity of third party sources.

In brief: Supplementary Budget in January to address tax measures, and other business stories

Treasurer says Supplementary Budget will review tax measures proposed in the 2017 Budget, sufficient geothermal power in PNG for years to come, and Philippines asked to ban fishing companies operating in PNG. Your weekly digest.
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In brief: Agriculture Minister calls for annual 10% Budget investment in sector and other business stories

Tomscoll says government must invest in agriculture if the economy is to survive, government waiting for Chinese funding of PMIZ a year after launch, and O'Neill discusses closer ties with Thailand. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: Trade official asks why Papua New Guinea spends K5 million annually on imported clothes, and other business stories

Call for garment and textile sector to replace imported clothes, beneficiary groups intending to petition the Government over equity in PNG LNG, solar power could be the answer to Lae's power problems. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: InterOil considers appeal after ExxonMobil takeover rejected, and other business stories

Canadian court upholds appeal against ExxonMobil takeover bid for InterOil, BSP CEO says 2017 Budget reflects prevailing conditions, and Sepik Plains holds high potential for beef industry. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: Kina depreciated by 36% since 2012, Reserve Bank governor reveals, and other business stories

Loi Bakani says managing a depreciating kina is 'very difficult', Canadian court to hear appeal against InterOil buyout, and Coffee Industry Corp steps up rehabilitation program. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: Papua New Guinea government seeks K974 million loan from ADB and other business stories

Papua New Guinea's government is seeking K974 million from the Asian Development Bank, Australia to earn negligible royalties from its oil and gas assets, and Newcrest describes conditions as 'tough' in PNG. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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In brief: Why Papua New Guinea internet costs are so high and other business stories

A new report outlines ways to improve PNG's internet services, PNG Power to ask for profits to be reinvested in equipment and PM calls for more PPPs in tourism. Your weekly digest of the latest business news.
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