The week's business news in summary. In Brief is sourced from a variety of Papua New Guinea and international media outlets as a service to our readers. Business Advantage PNG makes no claim for the veracity of third party sources.

In brief: Prime Minister James Marape visits Lae and other business stories

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape makes his first provincial visit, the Attorney General Davis Steven moves to establish an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and companies that don’t comply with the Independent Consumer and Competition Commission (Amendment) Act could face automatic penalties. Your weekly digest of business news. Last week, Prime Minister James […]
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In Brief: Huawei added to US trade blacklist and other business stories

The telecom giant Huawei has been blacklisted by the United States, the South Pacific Tourism Organisation has released a positive tourism report for the Pacific region and Papua New Guinea's Minister for Agriculture introduced the Agriculture Park project to Eastern and Western Highlands provinces. Your weekly digest of business news.
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In Brief: Santos announces plan to buy into P’nyang natural field gas in Papua New Guinea and other business stories

Santos to become an stakeholder in the P'nyang natural gas field project, an agreement between five telecom companies seeks to advance digitisation in Papua New Guinea, and upgrades to the Muliama–to–Bakok road due to commence soon. Your weekly digest of business news.
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In Brief: Bougainville Copper Limited says there is interest in reviving the Panguna Mine and other business stories

Nine members of Papua New Guinea's Parliament resigned from the People's National of Congress, Bougainville Copper Limited said there is interest to revive the Panguna mine, and rice harvesting commenced at Rangiampun in Umi. Your weekly digest of business news.
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