The week's business news in summary. In Brief is sourced from a variety of Papua New Guinea and international media outlets as a service to our readers. Business Advantage PNG makes no claim for the veracity of third party sources.

In brief: Mineral Resources Authority commends K92 Mining for paying taxes and other business stories

K92 Mining sets example in the mining industry in Papua New Guinea, Australia commits funds to help PNG get COVID-19 vaccinations and latest survey on COVID-19's impact on the business community.
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In brief: K100 million for Ihu Special Economic Zone and other business stories

Ihu Special Economic Zone gets funds, Prime Minister Marape urges national to go into small agriculture businesses and the Internal Revenue Commission opens an office in Jiwaka Province. Business news to stay on top.
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In brief: Kumul Petroleum awards contracts for a new power generation facility and other business stories

Kumul Petroleum Holdings advances plans for a new power generation facility, new Australian new travel requirements and Ok Tedi Mining announces final dividend. Your round-up of the latest business news.
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In brief: Papua New Guinea paves the way for Papua LNG, and other business stories

Parliament passed six key pieces of legislation that allow the Papua LNG project to move forward, Australia's Prime Minister cancels his trip to Papua New Guinea and cocoa farmers in East Sepik Province ready to benefit from new project. The business news you need to kickstart your week.
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In brief: Prime Minister Marape commits K50 million to agriculture and other business stories

Marape launched the Agriculture Medium Term Development Plan 2020 -2022 and committed K50 million to the sector, the PNG Electrification Partnership makes progress and Misima gold project takes first steps towards environmental approvals. The business news you need to kickstart your week.
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