Editor’s picks

Targeting net zero: SP Brewery prepares for growth in tough market

“We're ready for the boom to happen. We're just hoping that it will happen sooner rather than later.” Business Advantage PNG speaks with SP Brewery Managing Director Ed Weggemans about the company’s sharp focus on its bottom line and sustainability in tougher market conditions.
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ExxonMobil PNG’s Tera Shandro on the next decade of LNG in Papua New Guinea

A decade on from the opening of PNG LNG, Papua New Guinea's first gas project, ExxonMobil PNG's Chairperson and Managing Director Tera Shandro reflects on the progress so far and the potential of forthcoming projects such as the K5 billion Angore project and the Wildebeest prospect.
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A closer look at Papua New Guinea’s new international airport, Nadzab Tomodachi

The major redevelopment of the airport that serves PNG’s second city, Lae, means the country now has a second airport – Nadzab Tomodachi – capable of welcoming international flights. Business Advantage PNG visits the new facility.
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Papua New Guinea’s banks embrace a digital future

Banks and finance firms are rolling out digital products to take advantage of increased connectivity across Papua New Guinea, where about 75 per cent of the population remain unbanked. Business Advantage PNG talks to the key players find out what's coming.
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Economic update: Papua New Guinea’s decade of growth begins

As part of extensive in-country research for the newly-released 2024 edition of the Business Advantage PNG annual magazine, our editorial team spoke exclusively to dozens of Papua New Guinea business leaders to understand how they are preparing for imminent growth – and what challenges they face. Here’s what they told us.
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