Papua New Guinea government and Barrick Gold outline competing visions for Porgera


Prime Minister James Marape and Barrick Gold have offered two competing visions for the reopening of the Porgera gold mine. With the mine closed and court cases ongoing, the latter is highlighting the impact on business and the community.

New agriculture tariffs put Papua New Guinean jobs at risk, says NBPOL CEO


The timing of new tariffs affecting Papua New Guinea’s agriculture sector could not come at a worse time, according to the CEO of the country’s largest employer, New Britain Palm Oil.

Ugly duckling becomes swan: Papua New Guinea retailer Brian Bell opens K30 million shopping centre


Not even a pandemic could stop the new Gordons Plaza from opening. Brian Bell CEO Cameron McKellar talks to Business Advantage PNG about the challenges of launching in the times COVID-19.

Time to thrive: Grow PNG to help drive development of agribusiness in Papua New Guinea


Grow PNG has been established to help realise Papua New Guinea’s rich agribusiness potential, especially in Morobe’s Markham Valley. Executive Director Ivan Pomaleu reveals the organisation’s plans.

Ready, set, sago: project suggests the key to a successful agribusiness in Papua New Guinea


The Sago Project in Gulf Province seeks to improve revenues from a crop already well known to smallholders. Sago Project co-founder Peter Uechtritz reveals to Business Advantage PNG the key ingredients for a successful agribusiness project in Papua New Guinea.

Setting the standard: Papua New Guinea’s new ‘ecommerce bill’ heading to Parliament


The introduction of Papua New Guinea’s Electronic Transactions Act is just the start of a general online reform agenda in the country.

Cashless conversion: Papua New Guinea gets ready for an ecommerce revolution


The Coral Sea Cable has landed and the pandemic has forced more businesses to go online, so has ecommerce’s time finally come in PNG? Business Advantage PNG’s latest business briefing asks some of the experts.

Back to business: Papua New Guinea ends state of emergency


Trading is returning to a ‘new normal’ as Papua New Guinea’s COVID-19 state of emergency ends. But a recent survey conducted by the Business Council of PNG indicates a return to ‘business as usual’ will take time.

Women in Maritime cadetship program leads the way in training and diversity


Pacific Towing is a leader in training and diversity. Neil Papenfus, General Manager of Pacific Towing, talks about the company’s cadetship program for women.

Boardroom Briefing: cloud computing growth, Chinese investment falls, and foreign workers revisited


CloudCover targets growth in SE Asia, China’s Pacific investment takes a dive, and foreign workers re-examined. Readings from around the world on business, leadership and management.