Cashless conversion: Papua New Guinea gets ready for an ecommerce revolution


The Coral Sea Cable has landed and the pandemic has forced more businesses to go online, so has ecommerce’s time finally come in PNG? Business Advantage PNG’s latest business briefing asks some of the experts.

Back to business: Papua New Guinea ends state of emergency


Trading is returning to a ‘new normal’ as Papua New Guinea’s COVID-19 state of emergency ends. But a recent survey conducted by the Business Council of PNG indicates a return to ‘business as usual’ will take time.

Women in Maritime cadetship program leads the way in training and diversity


Pacific Towing is a leader in training and diversity. Neil Papenfus, General Manager of Pacific Towing, talks about the company’s cadetship program for women.

Boardroom Briefing: cloud computing growth, Chinese investment falls, and foreign workers revisited


CloudCover targets growth in SE Asia, China’s Pacific investment takes a dive, and foreign workers re-examined. Readings from around the world on business, leadership and management.

Oil Search shares suspended on Papua New Guinea’s stock exchange


Oil Search, Papua New Guinea’s biggest company, has been suspended from trading on PNGX, the country’s stock exchange, amidst claims that it did not follow proper procedure in its recent capital raising – claims the company is refuting.

Papua New Guinea’s state of emergency extended by two weeks


Parliament has voted to extend Papua New Guinea’s state of emergency by two weeks while it debates how the country will look when the restrictions are eventually eased.

Link PNG swoops: state-owned airline bids for a slice of PNG Air


Air Niugini subsidiary Link PNG has launched a takeover bid for rival domestic carrier PNG Air – via a share acquisition from Nasfund. With the national airline undergoing significant restructuring, what are the prospects for a sustainable aviation sector in Papua New Guinea?

Tourism takes a tumble: report finds 90 per cent of 2020 bookings wiped out in Papua New Guinea


A report by the Papua New Guinea Tourism Promotion Authority (PNGTPA) has found an industry in crisis with mass cancellations, layoffs and huge losses in revenue. The PNGTPA hopes the cold statistics will force the government to act.

Crisis management: taking care of business during Papua New Guinea’s SOE


The first in a series of Business Advantage PNG online business briefings tackled the issue of managing your business during the COVID-19 crisis. Mahesh Patel, CEO of CPL Group, and Wayne Osterberg, KPMG PNG’s Director Advisory Services, looked at the critical issues during Papua New Guinea’s state of emergency.

Pepsi is back in Papua New Guinea, and helping SMEs get a head start


After an on-again, off-again presence in Papua New Guinea, Pacific Industries has relaunched Pepsi – and they are empowering people to set up SMEs to sell it.