Seven questions for Rupert Bray, Managing Director at Steamships


PNGX-listed Steamships Trading Company, which owns businesses across logistics, property and hospitality, last year achieved impressive 12 per cent revenue growth. Business Advantage PNG recently caught up with its Managing Director Rupert Bray to learn about its ambitious plans to grow further.

In brief: the Prime Minister of India visits Papua New Guinea and other business stories


Reduced internet costs could be expected this year, the Finschhafen District Hydropower Project advances and the Prime Minister of India visits Papua New Guinea to participate in forum.

Rangeview Grocer: Port Moresby’s new ‘one-destination’ grocery shopping alternative


Four-star yet affordable, Rangeview Grocer is the jewel within recently opened Rangeview Plaza in the heart of Waigani.

People moves: ExxonMobil PNG, National Executive Council, Kina Asset Management


ExxonMobil announces key changes to its management team, the Minister for Foreign Affairs steps down, and Kina Asset Management appoints Acting Chairman.

In brief: Special Economic Zone Summit gathers expertise and other business stories


Results of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Summit expected to help Papua New Guinea develop a new SEZ roadmap, Australia and New Zealand pledge their support to World Bank programs in the Pacific, and Bougainville Copper declares losses for 2022. 

Queensland’s new Trade Commissioner to strengthen bilateral trade with Papua New Guinea


Leata Alaimoana Queensland’s recently-appointed Trade Commissioner to the the Pacific, speaks with Business Advantage PNG about plans to strengthen the Sunshine State’s economic presence with its closest neighbour, PNG.

Nasfund’s Ian Tarutia: the ‘exit interview’


Before he handed over the baton to incoming CEO Rajeev Sharma last month, Nasfund’s long-serving CEO Ian Tarutia, spoke to Business Advantage PNG about his time in charge of Papua New Guinea’s largest private sector superannuation fund – and where PNG’s economy might go from here. 

In brief: Mining lease transferred to New Porgera and other business stories


Barrick Niugini and Kumul Mineral Holdings transfer Porgera special mining lease to New Porgera, Nadzab Airport expected to be completed by August and Geopacific Resources completes capital raising. Your business news in brief.

Papua New Guinea embraces global hospitality brands


International hotel chains are finally arriving en masse in Papua New Guinea. Business Advantage PNG takes a closer look at this noteworthy property trend.

In brief: Outstanding foreign exchange orders almost K1.5 billion says Central Bank and other business stories


Outstanding foreign exchange orders almost K1.5 billion according to Bank of PNG, Newmont makes offer for Newcrest Mining, and progress on Porgera gold mine. Your business news digest.