People moves: Mainland Holdings, Horizon Oil


Mainland Holdings announces the appointment of a new Non-Executive Director, and a change of CEO at Horizon Oil.

Waiting for the party to begin: the future of Papua New Guinea’s National Development Bank


In a wide-ranging chat with Business Advantage PNG, the Managing Director of Papua New Guinea’s state-owned National Development Bank, Moses Liu, talks about becoming an emerging force in Papua New Guinea’s banking sector.

Papua New Guinea falls in global mining rankings survey


Papua New Guinea’s mining sector recorded its lowest result for five years in the Fraser Institute’s annual Investment Attractiveness Index. We consider the reasons, and their impact on PNG’s global competitiveness.

In brief: Papua New Guinea announces plans for ‘partial privatisation’ of state-owned enterprises and other business stories


Papua New Guinea’s Minister for State Enterprises announces plans for ‘partial privatisation’ of state-owned enterprises, P’nyang negotiations between ExxonMobil and PNG could resume and company reporting season. The business news you need to kickstart your week.

A review of Papua New Guinea’s proposed legislative reforms


Proposed legislative reforms related to foreign investment, land, and arbitration in Papua New Guinea.

Land ownership in Papua New Guinea explained


A guide to Papua New Guinea’s landownership rules for foreign investors.

Forms of investment in Papua New Guinea explained


An introduction to the business structures foreign investors need to know to conduct business in Papua New Guinea, including how to register as a foreign company.

Foreign investment law and policy in Papua New Guinea


An overview of the foreign investment law and policy in Papua New Guinea including certification, reserved activities and guarantees.

Legal system and dispute resolution in Papua New Guinea


An overview of the law, the judicial system and enforcement of foreign judgements and arbitration in Papua New Guinea.

Papua New Guinea’s national, provincial and local governments explained


An introduction to Papua New Guinea’s legal system including structure of government and national, provincial and local governments.