In brief: Talks with Total to resume and other business stories


Supreme Court to make ruling, Telikom PNG cuts fixed-line call services, and a Total delegation readies to talk Papua LNG. The business news you need to kickstart your week.

People moves: Oil Search, Steamships, Nambawan Super, Abt Associates


Oil Search CFO designate departs, new legal counsel at Steamships, new CFO at Nambawan Super, new Deputy Director at Abt Associates.

In brief: PNG working on US trade and investment framework and other business stories


The United States and PNG working on trade and investment framework, Supreme Court rules Marape legally elected and Morobe Provincial Government to be first provincial government to engage directly in alluvial mining. The business news you need to kickstart your week.

Boardroom briefing: promising vaccines, app to enable global travel, and poultry investment pays off


Vaccines give hope for an end to quarantine, aviation industry launches app to get back in the air, and agritech finds a way to sell eggs before they’ve been laid. Readings from around the world on business, leadership and management.

In brief: Dirio Gas and Power project launched and other business stories


The Dirio project gets commissioned, Barrick distances from Papua New Guinea’s political turmoil and state-owned enterprises reform on track. The business stories you need to kickstart your week.

Boardroom briefing: Solomon Islands Facebook ban, vaccine hopes might spook some investors, and ransomware attacks on the rise


The Solomon Islands unfriends Facebook, not every investor happy about the positive covid-19 vaccine news and the cost of ransomware attacks. Readings from around the world on business, leadership and management.

Parliament passes budget bills in lightning session, then adjourns until April 2021


Parliament sat briefly and unexpectedly yesterday to pass the 2021 National Budget legislation after Speaker Job Pomat ruled that last Friday’s surprise adjournment was illegal. It may not sit again until April 2021.

People moves: National Executive Committee


Nine new ministerial appointments have been announced after last week’s events in Parliament.

The PNG 1000: new online business directory launched for Papua New Guinea


Papua New Guinea’s business community now has a new tool for doing business in the country: a user-friendly new online business directory.

In brief: Papua New Guinea paves the way for Papua LNG, and other business stories


Parliament passed six key pieces of legislation that allow the Papua LNG project to move forward, Australia’s Prime Minister cancels his trip to Papua New Guinea and cocoa farmers in East Sepik Province ready to benefit from new project. The business news you need to kickstart your week.