People at work: a slice of Papua New Guinea life


PNG Now photographers Dean Arek and Godfreeman Kaptigua roamed the capital city of Papua New Guinea recently and found a dedicated workforce. The common story of the people photographed and interviewed is that they love their jobs.

People moves: Oil Search, Credit Corp


Oil Search says goodbye to its Managing Director and Credit Corporation (PNG) welcomes Chair.

In brief: Kina Bank’s new loan for SMEs in Papua New Guinea and other business stories


Kina Bank announces K50 million for small and medium-sized businesses, Prime Minister Marape’s update on mining projects, and BSP Financial Group cautiously optimistic about Papua New Guinea’s post-COVID recover. The business news you need today. Ports Atlas Steel PNG has been awarded a contract under the PNG Ports Safety and Security Upgrades Program to supply […]

Twinza Oil and Papua New Guinea Government conclude negotiations on Pasca A gas project


The Papua New Guinea Government and Twinza Oil have concluded negotiations on terms for Pasca A, PNG’s first offshore gas project. While the terms are subject to approval by PNG’s National Executive Council, a signed gas agreement is expected as soon as the end of this month.

People moves: Kokoda Track Foundation, KTHL, NCSL, Save the Children Australia, World Bank


The Kokoda Track Foundation names new Director, Kumul Telikom Holdings Ltd (KTHL) announces changes, Nasfund Contributors Savings and Loan Society welcomes a Chief Operating Officer, Save the Children Australia announces Pacific representative and the World Bank to welcome new Country Economist.

Geopacific Resources’ ‘phenomenal’ Woodlark project to produce gold within 18 months


Australian miner Geopacific Resources has secured funding to develop the gold mine on Papua New Guinea’s Woodlark Island in Papua New Guinea’s Milne Bay Province. Business Advantage PNG spoke exclusively to Chairman Ian Clyne and CEO Tim Richards about their expectations for the project.

BSP denies regulator’s anti-money laundering allegations


BSP Financial Group (BFL) has responded to allegations made by the Bank of Papua New Guinea’s Financial Analysis and Supervision Unit (FASU) that it was in breach of the country’s anti-money laundering laws. Meanwhile, the Bank of PNG’s Governor has distanced the central bank from the allegations made by its own unit.

In brief: Freeport to acquire assets in Papua New Guinea and other business stories


Potential new owner for the Yandera copper project, proposed levy for balsa wood and BSP Financial Group halts trading on the ASX amidst accusations of breaches to anti-money laundering laws. The business news in brief.

Registrations open for the 2021 Papua New Guinea Investment Conference


Registrations are now officially open for the 2021 Business Advantage Papua New Guinea Investment Conference and the provisional program has been released. The digital conference will take place from 7 to 9 September 2021.

People moves: Deloitte PNG, Credit Corp, Steamships, Coffee Industry Corporation


Deloitte PNG announces the names of its two new partners, Credit Corp’s Chief Risk Officer bids adieu, changes to Steamships board and new board appointed for the Coffee Corporation Industry.