Anitua Group is one of PNG’s most prominent landowner companies, providing goods and services to the Lihir gold mine and other parts of the country. Chief Executive Lawrence Rausim speaks about the relationship with new mine owner Newmont and shares how his group is setting its community up for the future.
CEO of Anitua landowner group on planning for life after Lihir gold mine
Editorial: Patience and persistence yields results in major resources projects
Looking back over the history of resources development in Papua New Guinea, the need for patience and persistence is clear.
What businesses need to know about ESG and responsible investment [video]
There is a “a wave of regulation on climate disclosure coming into effect all over the world,” including in all Papua New Guinea’s major trading partners, reports Geri McMahon, KPMG Australia’s Global Head of ESG, Asset Management Sector. Watch her presentation on what business needs to know from the 2024 Business Advantage PNG Investment Conference.
Four questions with Swire Shipping’s Randy Selvaratnam
Randy Selvaratnam became Chief Commercial Officer for Singapore-based regional logistics provider, Swire Shipping, in June 2024. In this interview, he speaks about the prospects for growth in shipping volumes in and out of PNG, rising freight costs and the move to sustainable biofuels.
Editorial: Domestic investors fill the gap while Papua New Guinea awaits next wave
Forex shortages in PNG have acted as handbrake on both economic growth and foreign direct investment over the past decade, according to the IMF. However, domestic and concessional investors have been stepping in to keep PNG’s economy moving.
Wapu Sonk on Papua LNG – timelines, impacts, and reforms that could benefit industry [video]
Wapu Sonk, Managing Director of Papua New Guinea’s state-owned oil and gas company Kumul Petroleum Holdings Limited, spoke about the way forward with the TotalEnergies-led Papua LNG project and the “unexpected blessings” its delay could bring at this month’s 2024 Business Advantage PNG Investment Conference. Watch his exclusive fireside chat.
George Constantinou on building, construction and hospitality in Papua New Guinea [video]
George Constantinou, third-generation CEO of the Constantinou Group, went through the family album to review his company’s past, present and future at this week’s 2024 Business Advantage PNG Investment Conference. Watch his fireside chat with BAI’s Andrew Wilkins.
Four questions with Chris Riddell, keynote speaker at 2024 PNG Investment Conference
Chris Riddell, renowned futurist and former Chief Digital Officer at Mars, shares why the chaos of our modern world presents an excellent opportunity for business leaders.
Papua New Guinea’s ‘engine room’ seeing new investment, says Lae Chamber president
In spite of the challenges, Papua New Guinea’s second city, Lae, is experienced some significant new investments. Business Advantage PNG sits down with John Byrne, President of the Lae Chamber of Commerce, to discuss the state of play in the country’s “engine room”.
Kumul Minerals head: Wafi-Golpu contract to be completed by mid-2024
Sarimu Kanu, Managing Director of state-owned miner Kumul Minerals Holdings, gives an update on the progress of the Wafi-Golpu mine project to Business Advantage PNG, and outlines the company’s strategy to consolidate some of Papua New Guinea’s smaller mining projects.
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