What does Papua New Guinea business want from the new Marape government?


With its majority established in Parliament and its ministry appointed, Papua New Guinea’s Marape government is now getting back to the business of running the country. Key business leaders tell Business Advantage PNG what they think its priorities should be.

In brief: Wafi-Golpu agreement to contain risk funding provisions and other business stories


Morobe Governor says Wafi-Golpu agreement will contain risk funding provisions, internet cable breakages set to take months to fix, and superannuation fund puts pressure on government over rent arrears. The business news you need today.

Kumul Petroleum moves to increase Papua New Guinea’s stake in PNG LNG project


State-owned Kumul Petroleum has made an offer to purchase a further five per cent of the PNG LNG project from Santos. The US$1.4 billion move looks set to position it to play a greater role in the future of Papua New Guinea’s oil and gas sector with global LNG demand increasing.

People moves: Nasfund


Nasfund announces changes to its board.

In brief: Papua New Guinea’s economy returns to growth and other business stories


The World Bank forecasts positive economic growth for Papua New Guinea, Trukai Industries gets ISO recertification. and new seafood holding and distribution facility to open in PNG. The business news you need.

Five questions for Richard Broadbridge, Managing Director of Lightspeed PNG 


Lightspeed PNG is a fixed wireless and satellite internet provider in Papua New Guinea. The company was launched just prior to APEC in 2018 and offers internet, managed services and solar powered solutions to a number of urban and rural customers including Loloata Island Resort, Coffee Industry Corporation and Oil Search Foundation (Santos) Managing Director, Richard Broadbridge, shares with Business Advantage PNG the secrets behind its growth.

People moves: PNG Ports, Credit Corporation PNG, Mayur Resources, Kacific


Acting CEO appointed at PNG Ports, new Chairman for Credit Corporation PNG, Mayur Resources Limited welcomes new Resident Director, and Kacific appoints Managing Director of the Pacific.

Foreign investment starting to return to Papua New Guinea, says IPA head


Foreign direct investment in Papua New Guinea is starting to return this year after a ‘huge slump’ over the previous two years, according to Clarence Hoot, Managing Director of the country’s Investment Promotion Authority.

Regulator approval paves the way for corporate bond market in Papua New Guinea


In what may be the most significant innovation in Papua New Guinea’s capital markets since the establishment of a local stock exchange, the PNGX has announced Securities Commission approval for its new Debt Market Rules. The approval paves the way for the establishment of a corporate bond market.

In brief: Papua New Guinea to explore free trade agreement with China and other business stories


Free trade agreement with China to be explored, Papua New Guinea’s Immigration and Citizenship Authority reactivates instant visas, and Port Moresby to get new tower development. The business news today.