Papua New Guinea weavers clinch a global market with bilums


“I just love the stories. You’re not just buying a bag, you’re buying an incredible story.” Papua New Guinea’s revered bilums are fast gaining world renown while the weavers who make them reap much-needed rewards. Bronwen Gora reports.

Papua New Guinea’s spas: little worlds of good


Exhausted after so many Zoom meetings and the stress of the week? Escape from the world and indulge in a message or wellness treatment from one of Papua New Guinea’s favourite spas.

Country guide: Vanuatu


Vanuatu comprises 83 islands, a wonderland of waterfalls, volcanoes, jungles and white-sand beaches, where visitors are treated to  excellent snorkelling and diving, authentic local performances and luxury resorts. Bronwen Gora goes island hopping.

Country guide: Solomon Islands


Bronwen Gora discovers a quiet island paradise of palm-fringed golden beaches, friendly Melanesian people and some of the best diving, swimming and surfing in the world.