Articles by Andrew Wilkins

Economic update: positive signs for Papua New Guinea economy despite weak commodity prices


The fall in global commodity prices has had a negative impact on Papua New Guinea’s economy. However, as Andrew Wilkins discovers in his annual economic update on PNG, adjustments have been made and 2017 looks likely to be a year of preparation for better times.

Port Moresby’s remarkable dining boom


A boom in new restaurants is improving the quality and variety of dining options in Papua New Guinea’s capital, Port Moresby, as never before, observes Andrew Wilkins.

Opinion: Is your business at risk from disruption?


Businesses often don’t realise that they are vulnerable to attacks from disruptive new players until it is too late. Andrew Wilkins considers some of the strategic issues created by creative disruption.

‘The new PNG cyberspace’: ecommerce set to take off in Papua New Guinea


With Papua New Guinea’s soon-to-be-completed National Transmission Network likely to bring improved internet speeds and reliability by the end of the year more PNG companies are expected to explore the possibility of selling goods and services online. Andrew Wilkins looks at the potential for ecommerce.

Papua New Guinea’s economy under pressure but fighting back


Global and domestic factors have combined to slow Papua New Guinea’s economy. However, as Andrew Wilkins discovers, the Pacific nation’s business leaders are still confident about its future prospects.

Review: Dorney’s call for Australia to revive engagement with Papua New Guinea


A new paper by experienced Pacific journalist Sean Dorney argues passionately for a re-think of Australia’s relationship with Papua New Guinea. As its title suggests, The Embarrassed Colonialist paints a portrait of a country that hasn’t quite worked out how to engage with his nearest neighbour.

Papua New Guinea business sees light at the end of the tunnel


In spite of the talk about an economic slowdown in 2016, Papua New Guinea’s capital, Port Moresby, is a city where plenty is still happening as 2015 comes to a close. Business Advantage International’s Andrew Wilkins reflects on recent discussions with Papua New Guinea business leaders.

Why a change in Google’s search engine could affect Papua New Guinean businesses


Did you miss Google’s ‘Mobilegeddon’ last month? You probably didn’t notice it, but it may already be affecting your business. Andrew Wilkins explains why.

Economic update: Papua New Guinea changes gear


Papua New Guinea’s economy is now emerging from a period of hiatus following the completion of its massive liquefied gas project. Andrew Wilkins talks exclusively to some of PNG’s top executives to find out their views on the economy.

What makes brands work in Papua New Guinea?


A recent online survey to identify Papua New Guinea’s most recognisable brands suggests that traditional marketing techniques still hold sway in PNG. But for how much longer?