Articles by Andrew Wilkins

Better market intelligence on Papua New Guinea


In a country like PNG, where even the National Population and Housing Census (due again next year) is problematic, market data and intelligence is hard to come by. 

The importance of effective government


So, the Papua LNG project has been given the all-clear by Minister for Petroleum, Kerenga Kua. The debate about who ‘buckled’ and who kept their nerve will take place, no doubt, but the end of the government’s review into the gas agreement signed in April is to be welcomed.

The new government’s policies under discussion


The World Bank’s latest economic update on Papua New Guinea makes for interesting reading. We can expect growth this year in PNG, but how much will depend on a lot of factors, not all of which are within PNG’s control.

Marape government starts to show its colours


Papua New Guinea’s new government, led by a Prime Minister who likes meetings to start on time, is starting to reveal its agenda.

What can business expect from a Marape-led government?


Papua New Guinea has a new Prime Minister, James Marape, and also, if not an entirely new government, at least a government representing a generational change in PNG’s body politic (Marape is 48).

Economic update: Papua New Guinea’s economy gathers pace


After years of low growth, the Pacific’s largest economy is looking to benefit from new resources and infrastructure investment—plus a dividend from hosting APEC 2018. Business Advantage PNG’s Andrew Wilkins talks with Papua New Guinea’s business leaders about the year ahead.

United Kingdom confirms post-Brexit trading arrangements with Papua New Guinea


In a move that will reassure Papua New Guinea exporters to the United Kingdom, the UK government has confirmed it will maintain the European Union’s current trading arrangements with PNG after ‘Brexit’. Meanwhile, Prime Minister O’Neill has flagged ‘huge incentives’ for investments in agriculture and tourism, Business Advantage PNG reports from London.

Economic update: major projects will be crucial for Papua New Guinea’s economy


The fate of some major projects will be critical for the future of the Papua New Guinea economy over the next decade. In the second of a two-part series, Andrew Wilkins discusses the implications.

Economic update: slow but steady resurgence in the Papua New Guinea economy


Papua New Guinea is getting its house in order as it anticipates a period of stronger economic growth, driven in part by significant new investment in mineral production and infrastructure. In the first of a two-part series, Andrew Wilkins discusses its economy with business leaders and assesses where it is most likely to head.

What can Papua New Guinea business look forward to in 2018?


As Papua New Guinea business gets back to work, Business Advantage PNG’s Andrew Wilkins looks at some of the issues coming up in 2018. With APEC coming to Port Moresby and a second LNG project in the offing, this is a year when PNG is going to be the subject of international attention.