LNG, forex and fuel supply remain in focus, while new listings and privatisation are on the agenda. Business Advantage PNG looks to the year ahead and considers what Papua New Guinea-focused businesses can expect in the coming 12 months.
2025: what can Papua New Guinea business expect from the year ahead?
CEO of Anitua landowner group on planning for life after Lihir gold mine
Anitua Group is one of PNG’s most prominent landowner companies, providing goods and services to the Lihir gold mine and other parts of the country. Chief Executive Lawrence Rausim speaks about the relationship with new mine owner Newmont and shares how his group is setting its community up for the future.
Economic update: Papua New Guinea’s decade of growth begins
As part of extensive in-country research for the newly-released 2024 edition of the Business Advantage PNG annual magazine, our editorial team spoke exclusively to dozens of Papua New Guinea business leaders to understand how they are preparing for imminent growth – and what challenges they face. Here’s what they told us.
Editorial: Charting Papua New Guinea’s innovation journey
Chatbots writing marketing slogans. Classrooms in the Cloud. Digital governments. Andrew Wilkins reflects on the origins of Innovation PNG 2023, which is taking place in Port Moresby on 10 November, and explains the thinking behind it.
Why investors are turning to Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea’s third city
Mt Hagen, Papua New Guinea’s third-largest city and the centre of the country’s populous Highlands Region, is once again starting to receive attention from investors. Business Advantage PNG discovers why.
Economic update 2023: Papua New Guinea’s year of gearing up
With the worst of the COVID pandemic behind it, Papua New Guinea is preparing itself for a decade of sustained economic growth. While the investments that will drive this growth are still being finalised, business leaders tell Business Advantage PNG the country is already starting to get ready.
Green shoots and structural shifts
While we’re still waiting for major projects to commence, some key data is suggesting Papua New Guinea’s economy has turned a corner.
Getting investment in Papua New Guinea to return
Local and international investment trends suggest there is still a long way to go before the economy returns to pre-COVID levels, but some trends offer optimism and Papua New Guinea could take advantage of them.
The challenges of getting to a win/win deal
With less than nine months until PNG’s National Elections, set for July 2022, the ‘Take Back PNG’ agenda of the Marape Government is moving into new areas.
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